Excess Deaths

Our site is not about excess deaths. But people do ask. So here are two sources you may wish to explore.

1. IrelandExcessDeaths.com

Each month they compare the number of RIP.ie death notices to the 2016-2019 average.1As we use different methods to count RIP.ie death notices, our numbers differ slightly (generally less than1%). As an example of their work, here’s their ‘heat map’ comparing relative excess death rates across the counties (darker = less excess death).

2. Eurostat

Lagging about 6-7 weeks behind, this recognized EU body compile statistics from official sources in each country. Use the dropdown menu to select countries for comparison.2Note: the left (vertical) axis does not begin at zero.

  • 1
    As we use different methods to count RIP.ie death notices, our numbers differ slightly (generally less than1%).
  • 2
    Note: the left (vertical) axis does not begin at zero.